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محلی برای نرم افزارهای سایت ساز و مباحث مربوط به برنامه‌نویسی چون Objective-C ،Cocoa و غیره


پستتوسط pouyan_objc » 26 آوریل 2010, 17:55

this book represents a very complete reference in @objective C
Table of Contents

About Objective-C Essentials
Why are you reading this?
Supported Platforms

The History of Objective-C
The C Programming Language
The Smalltalk programming Language
C meets Smalltalk
Objective-C and Apple

Installing Xcode and Compiling Objective-C on Mac OS X
Installing Xcode on Mac OS X
Starting Xcode
Starting a New Project
Writing an Objective-C Application with Xcode
Compiling Objective-C from the Command Line

Installing and using GNUstep and Objective-C on Windows
Downloading the GNUstep Packages
Installing MinGW and GNUstep on Windows
Running the GNUstep Shell
Testing the Installation

Installing and Using GNUstep and Objective-C on Linux
Installing GNUstep on Ubuntu
Compiling Objective-C Code

Building and Installing GNUstep on Linux
Installing gcc and Objective-C Support on Linux
Package Dependencies
Obtaining the GNUstep Source Code
Configuring the Build Process
Building GNUstep
Testing the Objective-C and GNUstep Installation
Compiling Objective-C Code

Objective-C 2.0 Data Types
int Data Type
char Data Type
Special Characters/Escape Sequences
float Data Type
double Data Type
id Data Type
BOOL Data Type
Objective-C Data Type Qualifiers
long long
signed / unsigned

Working with Variables and Constants in Objective-C
What is an Objective-C Variable
What is an Objective-C Constant?
Type Casting Objective-C Variables

Objective-C Operators and Expressions
What is an Expression?
The Basic Assignment Operator
Objective-C Arithmetic Operators
Compound Assignment Operators
Increment and Decrement Operators
Comparison Operators
Boolean Logical Operators
The Ternary Operator
Bitwise Operators
Bitwise AND
Bitwise OR
Bitwise XOR
Bitwise Left Shift
Bitwise Right Shift
Compound Bitwise Operators

Objective-C 2.0 Operator Precedence
An Example of Objective-C Operator Precedence
Objective-C Operator Precedence and Associativity
Overriding Operator Precedence

Commenting Objective-C Code
Why Comment your Code?
Single Line Comments
Multi-line Comments

Objective-C Flow Control with if and else
Using the if Statement
Using if ... else .. Statements
Using if ... else if .. Statements

The Objective-C switch Statement
Why Use a switch Statement?
Using the switch Statement Syntax
A switch Statement Example
Explaining the Example
Combining case Statements

Objective-C Looping - The for Statement
Why Use Loops?
Objective-C Loop Variable Scope
Creating an Infinite for Loop
Breaking Out of a for Loop
Nested for Loops
Breaking from Nested Loops
Continuing for Loops
Using for Loops with Multiple Variables

Objective-C Looping with do and while Statements
The Objective-C while Loop
Objective-C do ... while loops
Breaking from Loops
The continue Statement

An Overview of Objective-C Object Oriented Programming
What is an Object?
What is a Class?
Declaring an Objective-C Class Implementation
Adding Instance Variables to a Class
Define Class Methods
Declaring an Objective-C Class Implementation
Declaring, Initializing and Releasing a Class Instance
Calling Methods and Accessing Instance Data
Creating the Program Section
Bringing it all Together
Structuring Object-Oriented Objective-C Code

Writing Objective-C Class Methods
Instance and Class Methods
Creating a New Class Method
The @interface Section
The @implementation Section
The main() Function

Objective-C - Data Encapsulation, Synthesized Accessors and Dot Notation
Data Encapsulation
Synthesized Accessor Methods
Direct Access to Encapsulated Data
Objective-C and Dot Notation
Controlling Access to Instance Variables

Objective-C Inheritance
Inheritance, Classes and Subclasses
An Objective-C Inheritance Example
Extending the Functionality of a Subclass
Overriding Inherited Methods

Pointers and Indirection in Objective-C
How Variables are Stored
An Overview of Indirection
Indirection and Objects
Indirection and Object Copying

Objective-C Dynamic Binding and Typing with the id Type
Static Typing vs Dynamic Typing
Dynamic Binding

Objective-C Variable Scope and Storage Class
Variable Scope
Block Scope
Function Scope
Global Scope
File Scope
Variable Storage Class

An Overview of Objective-C Functions
What is a Function?
How to Declare an Objective-C Function
Calling an Objective-C Function
Function Prototypes
Function Scope and the static Specifier
Static Variables in Functions

Objective-C Enumerators
Why Use Enumerators
Declaring an Enumeration
Creating and Using an Enumeration
Enumerators and Variable Names

An Overview of the Objective-C Foundation Framework
The Foundation Framework
Including the Foundation Headers
Finding the Foundation Framework Documentation

Working with String Objects in Objective-C
Strings without NSString
Declaring Constant String Objects
Creating Mutable and Immutable String Objects
Getting the Length of a String
Copying a String
Searching for a Substring
Replacing Parts of a String
String Search and Replace
Deleting Sections of a String
Extracting a Subsection of a String
Inserting Text into a String
Appending Text to the End of a String
Comparing Strings
Checking for String Prefixes and Suffixes
Converting to Upper or Lower Case
Converting Strings to Numbers
Converting a String Object to ASCII

Understanding Objective-C Number Objects
Creating and Initializing NSNumber Objects
Getting the Value of a Number Object
Comparing Number Objects
Getting the Number Object Value as a String

Working with Objective-C Array Objects
Mutable and Immutable Arrays
Creating an Array Object
Finding out the Number of Elements in an Array
Accessing the Elements of an Array object
Accessing Array Elements using Fast Enumeration
Adding Elements to an Array Object
Inserting Elements into an Array
Deleting Elements from an Array Object
Sorting Array Objects

Objective-C Dictionary Objects
What are Dictionary Objects?
Creating Dictionary Objects
Initializing and Adding Entries to a Dictionary Object
Getting an Entry Count
Accessing Dictionary Entries
Removing Entries from a Dictionary Object

Working with Directories in Objective-C
The Objective-C NSFileManager, NSFileHandle and NSData Classes
Understanding Pathnames in Objective-C
Creating an NSFileManager Instance Object
Identifying the Current Working Directory
Changing to a Different Directory
Creating a New Directory
Deleting a Directory
Renaming or Moving a Directory
Getting a Directory File Listing
Getting the Attributes of a File or Directory

Working with Files in Objective-C
Creating an NSFileManager Instance
Checking if a File Exists
Comparing the Contents of Two Files
Checking if a File is Readable/Writable/Executable/Deletable
Moving/Renaming a File
Copying a File
Removing a File
Creating a Symbolic Link
Reading and Writing Files with NSFileManager
Working with Files using the NSFileHandle Class
Creating an NSFileHandle Object
NSFileHandle File Offsets and Seeking
Reading Data from a File
Writing Data to a File
Truncating a File

Constructing and Manipulating Paths with NSPathUtilities
The Anatomy of a Path
Finding a Temporary Directory
Getting the Current User's Home Directory
Getting the Home Directory of a Specified User
Extracting the Filename from a Path
Extracting the Filename Extension
Standardizing a Path
Extracting the Components of a Path

Copying Objects in Objective-C
Objects and Pointers
Copying an Object in Objective-C using the <NSCopying> Protocol
<NSCopying> Protocol and copyWithZone Method Implementation
Performing a Deep Copy

Using Objective-C Preprocessor Directives
The #define Statement
Creating Macros with the #define Statement
Changing the Objective-C Language with #define
Undefining a Definition with #undef
Conditional Compilation
The #import Directive

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پست‌ها : 26
تاریخ عضویت: 25 آوریل 2010, 20:16
محل سکونت: Tehran

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